Friday, May 27, 2011

Trying to live my life to the fullest...

Hey everyone. It's been a while since I last posted. Life has been busy for me and that is a good thing. And by busy, I simply mean that the weather has been cool enough for me to take short strolls in the yard and pot a few flowers and  Haven't been anywhere like on a trip or anything like that, just trying to stay occupied. I'm learning that keeping myself occupied with things I can physically do for a few minutes here and there really helps keep my spirits up. So I'm gardening. I don't have a massive garden, and I'm not able to go all gung-ho on it, but it looks nice. Of course I have lots of help in the form of a 7 and 3 year old :)
So I've been slowly building my garden up for about 4 months now. Started some seeds and realized WAY too late that I really had no clue! We didn't label anything, so had no clue what was sprouting. But it was fun times for me and the girls, just sitting on the porch floor in the shade putting tiny seeds into tiny starter pots. We probably lost about 75% of the flower seeds we planted because we did things wrong. But the veggies we have are thriving! Lots of blossoms on the veggie plants and we can't wait for fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, cantaloupe, beans, corn, etc. It's a small amount of each, but it'll be fresh! We also planted lettuce. Of course we did it wrong, so instead of getting the beautiful big heads of lettuce, we had a massive patch of green baby lettuce, but it tasted SO good! This was my daughters tiny garden patch and she has been so proud of it! I'm proud of her too!
Next year we'll be a little more garden savvy and wiser. The girls will be a year older and I'm sure they'll be doing more than they did this year. I'm limited to what I can do, but like everything else since I've been sick, I've learned that if I think about it... there is a way to do things. I've learned there is plenty of time during the day and if I do 5 or 10 minutes here and there then by the end of the day I've accomplished a half hour or so of outside light gardening and this is a great satisfaction to me. It's been a while since I have had anything that I could do so little of but get such huge rewards!
The disease is on the warpath again though. Blackouts are weekly again and they are back in the 1 hour time frame. Also the seizes and full body tremors are back with a vengeance. I really love the summer because it's so green and lush, but man does this heat aggravate and trigger my symptoms! So my time in the yard is getting shorter and shorter, but due to the massive amounts of shade we have, if I have a fan on the porch blowing directly on me and I'm in the shade I can at least listen to the birds and stuff and that's nice. I've missed that so much. At the apartments we lived at all these years, there just wasn't a place I could enjoy like that.
I have another Dr. appointment next month. I really am dreading it. I was supposed to call if the heat started messing things up with the symptoms, but I am really trying to hang in there with the meds I have now. I guess deep down I know that the meds need to be adjusted, but it's so nice only taking meds once a day.
See, my Dr. and I discussed the option of adjusting my meds based on the temperatures. Hot weather is a HUGE trigger for my symptoms so they are more severe during the warm-hot weather and less severe during the cold. So we are trying this out to see when I need more or less meds.
I'm also still waiting on my disability appeal hearing date. I really wish they'd get this thing rolling. Anyway, it's almost midnight. My sleep is really messed up (another thing that always seems to mess up when it warms up) so I need to lay down and TRY to sleep, but it'll take a couple hours or more just to fall asleep.  So goodnight everyone and I hope that you are having a fabulous day while you are reading this! God Bless!