I have decided that even if it kills me I AM going to get some form of exercise in every day of the week. Even if it's just 5 minutes, I will do it this year. I started trying again last week, and that's when the bad blackouts picked back up but I can't keep going like I am. I'm gaining weight and I don't need or like that. And I'm losing what little bit of stamina I had even a year ago. So my goal this year is to exercise just 5 minutes a day. I've decided that this will either be on the Wii Fit, XBox Dance Dance Revolution, or my exer-bike. I set a small goal because I know I can force 5 minutes into the day, and even when I'm feeling crummy, 5 minutes isn't a huge amount of time that will overwhelm me. If I get more than that in then Go ME! But if I just meet the 5 minute requirement then Go ME! :) But anyway, if I were to say that I had a New Year's Resolution this would be one of them.
I've already done 5 minutes today on the Dance game with the girls, but since I'm still feeling pretty good, I'm planning on doing some more in a bit. If I don't make it to it, then I've still met my goal. It doesn't sound like much but for someone with such a high intolerance to any form of activity if I can manage this every day then I will feel on top of the world!
Anyway, that's my quick blog for the day! I pray you are having a wonderful day yourself! Catch ya on the flipside!